Neuigkeiten & Events

Auf diesen Seiten finden Sie Vorankündigungen, Bildergalerien und Berichte für aktuelle Schulevents sowie Veröffentlichungen über die Schule in Zeitungen und anderen Medien.

GISS Nachrichten

Freitag, 20 Nov. 2020

Our GISS chickens are moving in

Look who is joining the GISS community! Our little chickens are growing and have found a new home in our school garden where our facility manager Michael built a superior cage for them. All of our Kindy students have followed their journey from day one and are excited to take...
Freitag, 20 Nov. 2020

Our GISS chickens are moving in

Look who is joining the GISS community! Our little chickens are growing and have found a new home in our school garden where our facility manager Michael built a superior cage for them. All of our Kindy students have followed their journey from day one and are excited to take...
Mittwoch, 28 Okt. 2020

After School Care 2021 Is Coming!

We are very excited to announce that GISS will offer After School Care starting in Term 1, Feb 2021. Our service includes: All students above PreschoolMo-Fr from 3.15 pm to 6 pm Afternoon TeaHomework & Study Support If you are considering enrolling your child, please fill in the short form below. Your...
Freitag, 25 Sept. 2020

Dare The Boss Fundraiser

“Dare the Boss” returned to GISS! Our Year 11 students Kimberley, Emily, Jessica, Rosie, Merrick and Alexander organised this wonderful fundraiser as part of their CAS activity to raise funds for our school charity ‘a Girl & her world’.  The annual event turned the school day into a pyjama party...
Freitag, 25 Sept. 2020

IB Art Exhibition

As part of our IB showcase, our visual art students Paula, Larissa and Izaac from Year 12 presented a stunning art exhibition which transformed our reception into an art gallery.  The exhibition was officially opened by our Principal Lorenz Metzger, IB Art Teacher, Nicola Hartley and our Head of Senior...
Freitag, 25 Sept. 2020

Virtual Art Exhibition

Dear parents and school community, We were very much looking forward to inviting you to view our wonderful GISS artworks when you came to the parent/teachers evenings this year. Unfortunately, our K-10 art exhibition has unavoidably become a virtual exhibition now. Whilst it is always much better to see the real thing and view art...
Donnerstag, 06 Aug. 2020

Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte

Während der Heimarbeitszeit im ersten Semester, begann Klasse 8 ein Fotoprojekt. Die Schüler wurden gebeten, verschiedene praktische und schriftliche Aufgaben zu erledigen, und betrachteten die Werke von berühmten Fotografen in Online-Galerien und Museen. Im Rahmen dieses Projekts wurden die Schüler gebeten, ein Fototagebuch ihrer Heimarbeitszeit zu führen.Ich möchte mit Ihnen...
Montag, 03 Aug. 2020

New GISS Board

There were a few changes within the Board at the recent GISS AGM, with Graham Lello stepping down from his position as Treasurer which he had held for many years and Hansjoerg Knieling taking over this role, as well as the election of two new members, Nicole Bruell and Julia Erben,...
Dienstag, 07 Juli 2020

​What are your wishes for the year 2045?

Our GISS students answered this question along with other international students from around the world as part of the initiative from the United Nations called „UN75 – 2020 und danach"...  --- Die Welt 2045: Wovon Jugendliche träumen...Die Corona-Pandemie, die „Black Lives Matter“-Bewegung, Erderwärmung und Artensterben – die Zukunftswünsche der Schülerinnen...