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GISS Nachrichten

Mittwoch, 04 März 2020

Lebendige Geschichte

Unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler aus Klasse 11 und 12 hatten eine ganz besondere Geschichtsstunde mit dem Besuch von Peter Keup, ein ehemaliger DDR Bürger dessen Fluchtversuch in ‚den Westen‘ scheiterte.  Peter Keup (geb. 1958 in Radebeul) war erfolgreicher Turniertänzer und vertrat die DDR bei zahlreichen Meisterschaften in der Nationalmannschaft. Sein Wunsch...
Dienstag, 03 März 2020

New PRC Executives elected

At the last PRC meeting on Tuesday, 3rd of March, the new Executives of the Parents Representative Council (PRC) were elected: Chairperson: Anne Lessle Deputy Chairperson: Julia Erben Treasurer: Mathias Boehme Secretary: Chris Nitzsche Deputy Secretary: Bryn Jeffries Congratulations to all and thank you for your commitment and taking over those important roles! ...
Montag, 02 März 2020

Vice-President of the German Federal Parliament, Wolfgang Kubicki, visits GISS

Vice-President of the German Federal Parliament, Wolfgang Kubicki, and German Consul-General Peter, Silberberg, visited GISS today. After a tour of our GISS campus Mr. Kubicki engaged in a discussion with our students from Years 9, 10, 11 & 12 who asked many burning questions. The topics ranged from Climate Change,...
Dienstag, 18 Feb. 2020

MMUN – Montessori Model United Nations

Dear GISS community, we would like to introduce the new team of students which will participate in the MMUN Conference in March 2020 in NYC. After a successful start with our first team in March 2019 these interested and committed students are in preparation for the conference which is structured...
Dienstag, 11 Feb. 2020

GISS introduces one new Northern Beaches bus route

GISS has introduced one new Northern Beaches bus route as a direct result of record student enrolments for the 2020 school year.   Open to all GISS students from Preschool to Senior School, The Manly Express will be added to the existing Northern Beaches Flyer and Pittwater Express, expanding bus routes...
Donnerstag, 06 Feb. 2020

​Congratulations to our November 2019 IB Cohort

Congratulations to our November 2019 IB Cohort. Twenty-five per cent of our class of 2019 students made it the school’s honour board and three of our graduates received Distinction Awards from IB Schools Australasia for scoring 40 points (equivalent to 98.05 ATAR). Most importantly, all our graduates who applied to...
Dienstag, 04 Feb. 2020

GISS Kiosk now open daily

After an initial trial phase last term, we are pleased to let you know that our GISS Kiosk has started full operation in Term 1, 2020. Kapil Kalra, currently Chef at the Harbord Beach Hotel, has created a balanced school menu that will include hot and cold food options for Morning Tea...
Montag, 23 Dez. 2019

PRC raises $500 for the Terrey Hills Rural Fire Brigade

During our Christmas Concert our PRC recently raised $500 for the Terrey Hills Rural Fire Brigade. Yoel Hyman, Community Engagement Officer and Member of the local RFS, visited our Preschool and was presented with a cheque and a basket full of Thank You Cards (designed by Message to a Hero) which...
Montag, 16 Dez. 2019

GISS Choirs spread some Christmas cheer

Die GISS Chore vereinten sich letzten Monat, um  Weihnachtsstimmung in unserer umliegenden Gemeinde zu verbreiten. Unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler sangen an der Kamaroi School und in den beiden Altersheimen in Allambie Heights und Terrey Hills. Es waren bereichernde Erfahrungen für alle und die Kinder konnten die positive Auswirkung von Musik aus...