Neuigkeiten & Events

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GISS Nachrichten

Freitag, 01 Nov. 2019

Halloween Parade

Thanks to our SRC we had a great Halloween Parade yesterday involving all our Preschool to IB students, teachers, admin staff and parents. Congratulations to all our students for making such a great effort in their costumes, but most of all for having the confidence to walk on stage in...
Montag, 28 Okt. 2019

Tag der Deutschen Sprache an der GISS

For the first time, GISS hosted the German Language Day (Tag der Deutschen Sprache) at our school - a fun day about the German language, complete with information stalls about all things German/y, activities for children, German sausages, pretzels and refreshments! Mr Steffen Rose of the German Consulate General Sydney and...
Mittwoch, 23 Okt. 2019

GISS Kiosk starts lunch service

Today, after many months of preparation, our GISS Kiosk started its lunch service and both students and staff were super excited about receiving the freshly prepared meals by Miramare Gardens. The GISS Kiosk is offering a limited school lunch menu for Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in term 4 initially and we...
Freitag, 11 Okt. 2019

GISS Kiosk to open Week 2 of Term 4

After many months of preparation, we are excited to let you know that our GISS Kiosk will start operation in week 2 of Term 4. Officially opened during our 2019 Christmas Market in August, the GISS Kiosk will be operated by Miramare Gardens offering a limited school lunch menu for...
Montag, 30 Sept. 2019

Northern Beaches Youth Art Prize

Am Donnerstag, den 29. August, hatte ich das Vergnügen, die Eröffnung des Northern Beaches Youth Art Prize in Curl Curl Creative Space zu besuchen. Trotz der wilden und  stürmischen Nacht war die Gallerie brechend voll mit Kunstfreunden, die die Ausstellung der Finalisten sehen wollten.Mehr als 900 Jugendliche von den Northern Beaches hatten ihre Kunstwerke eingereicht, und zwei...
Donnerstag, 12 Sept. 2019

Aussie families flock to Sydney’s expat schools for love of language

Aussie families flock to Sydney’s expat schools for love of language ENGLISH speaking parents are leading a surge in enrolments in the Sydney’s international schools traditionally reserved for expats. Parents are sending their children into schools without any prior knowledge of languages such as German, Japanese and French with the...
Montag, 09 Sept. 2019

Limitierte GISS Handtücher & Schürzen

Zu unserem 30-jährigen Jubiläum, haben wir ein Gedenkhandtuch und eine Gedenkschürze mit kleinen Selbstporträts aller Schülerinnen & Schüler und Mitarbeiterinnen & Mitarbeiter entworfen. Beide sind 100% Baumwolle, das Handtuch ist weiß und kostet $15, die Schürze schwarz und kostet $20. Muster können an der Rezeption oder an der Preschool besichtigt werden, wo Sie...
Montag, 09 Sept. 2019

Sports day at the Sydney Japanese International School

On Wednesday 28th August, Years 3-6 went to the Japanese School for a sports carnival. The schools participating were: The Sydney Japanese International School, The Italian bilingual school, The Alexander School, Gaulston College, and the German International School Sydney. Everyone was split up into four groups [ yellow, red, blue and green] with students from each of the...
Donnerstag, 05 Sept. 2019

IPSHA Sportfest

On Monday 26th August, a select group of students from Years 3 to 6 went to the IPSHA ATHLETICS Carnival held at Sydney Athletics Centre at Olympic Park, Homebush. It was the first time that students represented GISS and everyone participated in either 100m or 200m races and long jump....