Neuigkeiten & Events

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GISS Nachrichten

Mittwoch, 21 Aug. 2019

Book Week 2019

On Monday the 26th of August, Kindergarten – Year 4 celebrated Book Week. Each year across Australia, the CBCA (the Children's Book Council of Australia) brings children and books together celebrating CBCA Book Week. This is a wonderful opportunity to bring children's literature to the forefront of our minds and celebrate and appreciate...
Freitag, 21 Juni 2019

GISS Suprise Day

Our 30-year celebration continues.... And what a surprise it was! On Thursday morning, a clown announced that instead of school, the students could have fun all day. There were also special acrobatic performances, disco dancing, egg and spoon racing, sack jumping, belly dancing, soccer, skipping, yoga, trampoline, hula hoops, and...
Freitag, 21 Juni 2019

German Consul-General awards 29 GISS students with DSD certificates

Congatulations to all our students from Year 10, 11 and 12 who were awarded their DSD I and II certificates (Deutsches Sprachdiplom) from the German Consul-General, Peter Silberberg, this week. The German Language Certificate is a huge milestone for students as it opens up new perspectives: The DSD I is...
Montag, 17 Juni 2019

SBS Radio Interview with Linus Hessling about the MMUN conference in NY

Im Gespräch: Jugendliche übernehmen die UN GeneralversammlungDreizehn Schüler der German International School Sydney (GISS) haben kürzlich auf der Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN) -Konferenz in New York teilgenommen. Die angehenden UN-Delegierten der 5., 7. und 9. Klasse vertraten Honduras, Andorra und Finnland im Rahmen der dreitägigen Konferenz. Das MMUN fand...
Freitag, 14 Juni 2019


Musik – Tanz – Zauberer – Clowns– Akrobaten und tolles SchauspielenWas für eine Show! Wieder konnten wir die vielen Talente unserer Schülerinnen und Schüler sehen. Wirklich hervorragend! Ein grosses Thank You und Dankeschön geht an Tina und Karina für das diesjährige Primary School Musical über den Zirkus Buntelli. Der lange Applaus...
Donnerstag, 13 Juni 2019

GISS Choirs take to the Stage

Students in our GISS Choirs are having a very exciting year! They have been rehearsing during their lunch hours for months to prepare for the Northern Beaches Eisteddfod, which took place in Dee Why.The Junior and Senior Choirs each competed against 7 other local school choirs in separate sections. It was a wonderful experience...
Donnerstag, 06 Juni 2019

First annual GISS Athletics Carnival 2019

Friday, 24th May 2019 was finally here, the long anticipated day many students had been looking forward to. Students from Years 3 to 10 had the fantastic opportunity to take part in one of the greatest sporting events of the year, our first annual GISS Athletics Carnival held at Sydney...
Dienstag, 04 Juni 2019

National Simultaneous Storytime

On Wednesday 22nd May at 11am, along with over 1 million children across Australia and New Zealand, GISS students, teachers and parents from Preschool to Year 4 participated in National Simultaneous Storytime in the Sports Hall. Opened by an inspiring speech by our Principal Dr Metzger, this school community event advocates reading as a pastime that can be shared...