Neuigkeiten & Events

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GISS Nachrichten

Dienstag, 26 März 2019

Harmony Week

‘Everyone belongs - Celebrate Diversity’ was the motto of the GISS Harmony Week that supports the Australian wide initiative that was launched 20 years ago.Our Primary School started Harmony Week with an assembly at which our choir sang ‘Everyone belongs’. During #HarmonyWeek all classesorganised activities to foster cultural respect and celebrate...
Donnerstag, 21 März 2019

Warringah Independent School’s Debating Competition 2019

On Wednesday 20th March, Mrs Sinclair took the Year 9 debating teams to Galstaun College in Ingleburn, to begin our Warringah Independent School’s Debating Competition for 2019. The competition is comprised of a series of impromptu debating tournaments between The German International School Sydney, Galstaun College, NorthernBeaches Christian School and Christian Covenant School. Our two GISS teams...
Montag, 18 März 2019

MMUN - Montessori Model United Nations

13 GISS students from the Year 6, 8 and 10 are this week travelling to New York to participate at the Montesorri Model United Nations (MMUN) Conference. MMUN is a simulation of the UN General Assembly where students assume the role of UN delegates for a certain country and then debate a specific topic with other...
Mittwoch, 06 März 2019

GISS Swimming Carnivals 2019

Our annual GISS swimming carnivals took place on Wednesday, 20th February (Years 3-6) and on Wednesday, 27th February (Years 7-10) and both were a great successes. All students had a wonderful time cheering on participants from their houses, and took enthusiasm from gaining points for victories in the pool as well...
Dienstag, 05 März 2019

GISS celebrates 30th anniversary with Pearl Gala Dinner

GISS celebrated its 30th anniversary with a Pearl Gala Dinner at Dee Why RSL last weekend. Students, Parents, Alumni, the GISS Board, long serving honorary members, special guests including the Northern Beaches Council Mayor Michael Regan and German Consul General Peter Silberberg celebrated the school's achievements over delicioust hree course dinner including delicious three tier GISS cakeThe highlight...
Freitag, 01 März 2019

Besuch einer Kinderbuchautorin an der GISS

Am Montag, dem 18. Februar hatten die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Preschool und der Grundschule die Möglichkeit, Frau Irena Kobald, eine österreichisch-stämmige australische Kinderbuchautorin zu treffen. Ihr erstes Buch Zuhause kann überall sein (My two blankets) wurde bereits in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzt und wurde auch erfolgreich als Bühnenstück und Musical in Deutschland und Österreich aufgeführt.Frau Kobald gewann auch einige...
Donnerstag, 28 Feb. 2019

GISS turns 30

2019 is a very special year for The German International School Sydney which is celebrating its 30th anniversary. Founded in February 1989 in Prospect and commencing with 28 students the school has since then moved to the leafy Terrey Hills and now has over 370 students ranging from Preschool to...
Montag, 18 Feb. 2019

Visit from Berlin

Architect Daniel Verhülsdonk visited GISS on 14 February. Daniel had been part of the team at Staab Architekten who designed our school. GISS was his first project after finishing his University degree. Daniel had never been to Australia before and he was very pleased to see his project in the flesh and the school in full swing all these...
Montag, 11 Feb. 2019

Henning Harnisch besucht die GISS

Am Dienstag, den 5. Februar besuchte der ehemalige deutsche Basketballnationalspieler Henning Harnisch gemeinsam mit dem stellvertretenden Konsul Klaus Steitz unsere Schule. Henning Harnisch ist Vizepräsident des Basketball-Bundeslegisten ALBA Berlin und engagiert sich für die Förderung des Nachwuchses. Mit seiner spektakulären Spielweise gelang ihm mit seinem Team 9-mal in Folge die Deutsche...