Neuigkeiten & Events

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GISS Nachrichten

Freitag, 25 Jan. 2019

GISS Preschool receives brand new designed 'Little Scientists House' plaque

Our GISS Preschool has just received a brand new designed 'Little Scientists House' plaque that was rewarded to us by Little Scientists. Our Preschool has been a 'Little Scientists House' since 2015 and the plaque demonstrates that our service is committed to inquiry-based learning and Early STEM (the learning of science,...
Montag, 21 Jan. 2019

GISS featured in Manly Daily

GISS has been featured in the Saturday edition on the Manly Daily. The article highlights our 30th anniversary along and also reflects on the school’s highlights for 2018.
Freitag, 21 Dez. 2018


GISS will be featured in the upcoming TV show AUSTRALIA BY DESIGN: INNOVATIONS, airing on Channel TEN, on Sunday 23rd December, at 3 pm and again on Saturday 29th at 12 noon on BOSS (one). In its second season, AUSTRALIA BY DESIGN: INNOVATIONS will showcase the very best designs drawn from the national Good...
Dienstag, 18 Dez. 2018

Auszeichnung für die GISS Preschool

Exceeding National Quality Standard Unsere Preschool wurde von der Regulierungsbehörde bewertet und erhielt erneut die Auszeichnung "Exceeding National Quality Standard" für alle sieben der sieben Qualitätsbereiche. Dies führt zu einer Gesamtbewertung, die den nationalen Qualitätsstandard übertrifft. Der Qualitätsrahmen bietet einen nationalen Ansatz für die Regulierung, Bewertung und Qualitätsverbesserung der frühkindlichen Bildung in ganz...
Freitag, 14 Dez. 2018

GISS Band Project presents

The GISS band performed its second concert at our school last night called Duets, Trios, Quartets & a Noisier Finale.
Montag, 03 Dez. 2018

Gingerbread Workshop

The Gingerbread Workshop on the 1st and 2nd of December was a huge success again this year. Children and parents had lots of fun creating beautiful gingerbread houses and people. Thankfully there were plenty of lollies, as some of the tasty decorations ended up in small mouths instead of on the great...
Dienstag, 20 Nov. 2018

GISS holds first Rhönrad competition

Am Sonntag dem 18.11.2018 fand der erste Rhönrad Wettkampf der GISS Rhönrad Gruppe statt, welcher der erste in Australien seit 2012 war. Alle Teilnehmer mussten zunächst ihre Pflichtübungen turnen (je nach Leistungstand L5, L6 oder L7) bevor sie ihre zusammengestellte Kür, welche je nach Fähigkeiten individuell unterschiedlich waren, turnen konnten. Trotz...
Montag, 19 Nov. 2018

Bilingual classes break down learning barriers

Bilingual schools teaching maths, science in a foreign languageBy Pallavi Singhal 18 November 2018 — 7:45pmAt his school in Sydney's northern suburbs, Felix Scholle, 12, is taught maths, biology, art, music and sport entirely in German. Felix's mother is German but he is still learning the language and does German as...
Montag, 19 Nov. 2018

First GISS Family Tennis Open

A group of tennis mad mothers and a tennis crazy father organised our first GISS Family Tennis Open which took place at Evolve Tennis at Wyatt Park last weekend. You didn't need to have any prior tennis experience to enjoy the kids’ fun court, the family tournament court and fitness area. There were many winners thanks...