On Wednesday 28th August, Years 3-6 went to the Japanese School for a sports carnival. The schools participating were: The Sydney Japanese International School, The Italian bilingual school, The Alexander School, Gaulston College, and the German International School Sydney.
Everyone was split up into four groups [ yellow, red, blue and green] with students from each of the four schools in each of the groups. We arrived by bus and when we got there, we hung around in our teams and ate in their sports hall while we waited for the other schools. Then there was an opening speech from one of their students. Afterwards we all went out to our coloured tents and waited for the activities to start.
Firstly, the 8-year-olds had their 100m sprint. They sprinted like cheetahs! While they were sprinting, the 12-year-olds had their long jump event. They jumped as far as a lemur! Next were the fabulous 9-year-olds that had their 100m sprint. While that was happening the 11-year-olds had their long jump. Unfortunately the 10-year-olds had a 200m sprint straight after they had their long jump event. The 10 year olds sprinted as fast as lightning! After the other classes had their sprint and long jump, the students of the Japanese School performed a Japanese dance about fishermen and we then all took part in different activities. The day was super fun!
Olive, Emmelie and Euna from Year 4 and Aureleo Dymock