
0 to 3 Years

Thursdays from 9.30 to 11am

In the playgroup community we want to be part of the child's path from when they start to experience a sense of belonging to being themselves and experiencing the joy and wonder of childhood and we support them to realise their potential in who they are becoming. (Early Years Learning Framework)

We start each meeting with singing German songs and then move along into free play or craft, finishing off with a parachute and a swinging game. 
As parents we are role models and guide our children to develop a sense of agency by believing in their ability and letting children make certain choices that control their own lives.

The pedagogical and language concept of Playgroup is closely linked to that of Preschool. This makes the transition to Preschool significantly easier. Playgroup children also have preference on the Preschool waiting list. 

We currently have one playgroup who meets on Thursdays from 9.30 to 11am on campus in the multifunction room. The cost is $50 per term.

Please contact our Playgroup teacher, ​​​​​Christina Fiedler ( for more info or book directly using the button above.