For the first time, GISS hosted the German Language Day (Tag der Deutschen Sprache) at our school - a fun day about the German language, complete with information stalls about all things German/y, activities for children, German sausages, pretzels and refreshments!
Mr Steffen Rose of the German Consulate General Sydney and GISS Principal, Dr Lorenz Metzger opened the day along with our GISS Choir and School Band.
Guests were able to attend an information session about “Studying in Germany” presented by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), German trial lessons by the Goethe Institut and a GISS school tour.
The highlight was the panel discussion about "Bilingual Learning" - hosted by Trudi Latour from SBS and including guest speakers: Dr Hanna Torsh (Linguistics Department Macquarie University), Andrea Bommers (Deutschstunde) & Secondary Teacher/DaF Coordinator, Jonna Vinje & IB student Yoshiya Iijima (GISS).
The children enjoyed the outdoor Circus Workshop and the German movie "Das fliegende Klassenzimmer" by Erich Kästner with English subtitles.
Thank you to all visitors and all exhibitors including the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Goethe Institut, Fröbel - Competence for Children, Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA), Deutschstunde Croyden, German With Kids, Deutsche evangelisch-lutherische Kirche Sydney, Deutsche Katholische Gemeinde Sydney, Macquarie University (Department of Linguistics), University of Technology Sydney (School of International Studies and Education), The University of New South Wales (School of Humanities and Languages), The University of Sydney (Department of Germanic Studies, School of Languages and Cultures) and the NSW School of Languages.